Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's Thanksgiving, bros.

My wish with this list is to comically relieve you of the seriousness the holiday season brings. ;) I kept a list this week of things I am thankful for, but no. No, no. Not a sappy list of the people I love (I think that's pretty obvious). I wanted to provide a list of unconventional blessings; and thus this list was born. I hope you have a blessed and hopefully hilarious Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for... (in no particular order)

ice cream

sunshine (when I get to see it)

smiles- smiling is my favorite.

my goofy, hilarious and extremely vulgar co-workers. One day I randomly revealed this thought to the office: "Isn't the concept of having a pet dog really bizarre? We could choose to domesticate any animal. We could have pet squirrels. And we choose dogs only." After our regional manager stared at me for a few seconds, she responds to my epiphany, "You're f***ing f***ed in the head, man." Needless to say, I stood in her office and cried... from laughter. 

Bailey's- Not only does it make my last name seem cooler, but it also promotes under-the-table alcoholism (i.e. Bailey's in your coffee).

kind souls- I'm a sucker for a kind soul.

little kids in glasses- also a sucker for little kids in glasses.

my cat

Harry Potter

Led Zeppelin

anger management- Even though I've never been (although it's been suggested), I can always use it in a sentence and scare the pants off of people. "I didn't go to anger management for this." It's believable and terrifying.

Tina Fey

long-sleeved t-shirts

rainy nights- Since I already cannot/do not sleep, rain on the roof ca. 12am is like an actual lullaby from God.

Les Miserables- Specifically "I Dreamed a Dream." Singing/crying to that song in my car makes for some hilarious therapy. No matter how sucky your life may be, you're still not a French prostitute.

Beastie Boys (in the morning)

David Bowie (at night)

Random dogs that come into my office.

my intense hearing- If my senses weren't always heightened, I wouldn't ever have caught my neighbor outside in his underwear, throwing a pumpkin shot-put style.

delirious laughter- There is nothing as hilarious as the feeling of laughing when you have no idea why you are (hunger, sleep deprivation. I usually experience a combination of both. Ahem... ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL).

inappropriate laughter- Okay actually there is nothing as hilarious as laughing when you know you shouldn't be. 

The British Invasion- If these artists didn't storm the US, I would have no identity.


The weirdos on High Street who cause me to run faster (to get away from them).

Chuck Taylors


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